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not (pageUrl eq null and supportPageUrl eq null) and attributes/any(a: a eq 'Product_Portfolio|Jabra') and (attributes/all(a: a ne 'Meta_Refurbished|True') or attributes/any(a: a eq 'Meta_Accessorytype|17'))

Jabra+ for admins

Make meeting room management simple

Coming soon

Full room management control. From anywhere.

Jabra+ for Admins is a comprehensive device management platform that gives you complete oversight of all the meeting rooms and Jabra devices in your care around the world. Its performance-optimizing features include real-time room availability, usage tracking, and advanced analytics to help you diagnose any issues quickly, easily, and accurately, wherever you're working from.

Welcome to the simple life.

Next-generation room management 

Jabra+ for Admins enables you to easily locate, triage and troubleshoot device issues without having to be in the same room. Saving you and your teams a serious amount of time.

And because all of your tasks can be run from a single piece of software, you won’t need multiple tabs open to keep tabs on your to-do list.

Arrange things to suit you   

With Jabra+ for Admins you can clearly categorise information by room, group or individual device to make assessing their status swift and seamless.

Receive real-time service information   

A full-scope, one-screen view of your organisation provides real-time, at-a-glance information that you can act on instantly.

Streamline your workflow

It can be tough to monitor the health of every meeting room, every device and every system your teams have running when they’re all spread out. Jabra+ for Admins helps to streamline your situation, so no matter if they’re across the world , you can still ensure your teams can get down to business with minimal device downtime or disruption.

Set your own schedule 

Thanks to automated firmware updates you can optimize performance for as many devices and meeting rooms as you want - all at once, at whatever time suits you.

Tech you can trust

Jabra+ for Admins combines the groundbreaking innovation and technological expertise cultivated over our 150-year history to deliver a comprehensive, reliable platform you can trust to effortlessly manage all of the mind-blowing video experiences in our collaboration portfolio.

Network & device security

Built on Microsoft Azure Suite of Services, Jabra+ for Admins is scalable and secure, with end-to-end encryption and single sign-on integrations to ensure your teams can easily access the platform and collaborate securely from anywhere.