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Jabra Engage 50 II
Engage 50 II
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Furnizorii de servicii de monitorizare importanți au integrat în soluțiile lor datele avansate despre apeluri din Jabra Engage, îmbunătățind valoarea acestora printr-o vizibilitate mai clară asupra experienței clienților. Datele Jabra includ informații despre zgomotul de fond, diafonia și nivelul de silențiozitate din timpul apelurilor întâmpinate de agenți, permițându-vă să găsiți și să rezolvați anumite probleme.

Împreună, aceste soluții oferă tablouri de bord cu informații despre performanța audio și despre modelele conversaționale, pentru a vă ajuta să îmbunătățiți experiența agenților și a clienților cu fiecare apel.

























3 This product works with devices capable of running the latest version of ChromeOS and has been certified to meet Google's compatibility standards. Google is not responsible for the operation of this product or its compliance with safety requirements. Chromebook, Google Meet and the Works With Chromebook badge are trademarks of Google LLC. Engage+ pentru ChromeOS se supune actualizărilor viitoare. Disponibil ca accesoriu, modulul de control pentru NICE CXone și Google Meet a fost certificat pentru ChromeOS.

Butoanele personalizabile de pe modulul de control al apelurilor pot fi integrate cu platformele de Contact Center și Comunicații Unificate (UC), permițându-vă să efectuați cu ușurință acțiunile cotidiene - cum ar fi apelarea supervizorului pentru ajutor - prin câteva atingeri simple.




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Vizualizați, gestionați, controlați și actualizați toate dispozitivele dvs. într-un singur loc, cu Jabra+. Platforma noastră cuprinzătoare de gestionare a dispozitivelor vă ajută să vă asigurați că echipele dvs. se pot apuca de treabă cu un timp minim de nefuncționare a dispozitivelor, oriunde s-ar afla.

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Prezentarea produsului

Jabra Engage 50 II

Frequently asked questions

What is a digital headset?

A true digital headset has the processing chip in the headset instead of in a control unit or cord. The Engage 50 II and Engage 40 use the very latest chipset to be able to deliver enhanced, real-time analytic features and this, along with the positioning of the chip, delivers enhanced functionality and user experience.

How does the SmartRinger in the Engage 50 II work?

The SmartRinger uses sensors in the Engage 50 II headset to determine when it is being worn and when it is lying on the desk. If it is on the desk and a call comes in, the SmartRinger will ring to let them know of an incoming call*. If you are wearing the headset, the SmartRinger will not ring as you will hear the call in the headset.

* The SmartRinger can be adjusted and switched on/off in Jabra Direct

What does a digital corded headset offer over a regular USB type headset??

Most likely, a regular USB type headset does not have the chip in the headset itself which limits the hardware and software experiences it can deliver.

What Jabra professional digital headsets offer software integration?

All Jabra USB headsets are supported in Jabra Direct and Xpress software and can be integrated by third-party platforms through our SDK. However, the Engage 50 II and Engage 40 also offer additional advanced call analytic metrics such as boom-arm position alerts (Engage 50 II), background noise tracking, cross-talk sensing and more. These are presented within our free Engage+ application and are also accessible through our SDK.

What does the Engage 50 II control unit offer and why would I want to use it?

The control unit offers agents improved call control and the SmartRinger that alerts about incoming calls even when the headset is lying on the desk. The Engage 50 II has an ergonomic design to help agents work more efficiently. It features a volume wheel for easy adjustment of the volume during calls as well as answer/end and mute buttons. It also has customisable buttons that can be integrated with preferred contact centre platforms. The Engage 50 II control unit offers integrated call control for the likes of Amazon Connect, Genesys Cloud CX and NICE CXone out of the box.

What does the Engage 50 II control unit offer and why would I want to use it? Continued

The Engage 50 II control unit can easily be detached from the headset for increased flexibility for agents. In case your customers want to use the headset without the control unit, the Engage 50 II is also available on its own (as UC variant only).

If purchased without the control unit, can the headset be plugged into a laptop or docking station and still access the real-time call analytics?

Yes, the control unit isn’t required to access real-time insights. For more information about call insights, please refer to

Can I plug the Engage 50 II headset into my mobile phone or tablet?

Yes, if your mobile device has a USB-C socket that is compatible with voice calls.

We are just moving to softphones and only have USB-A laptops. Can we use the Engage 50 II now and then later migrate to USB-C?

Yes – you will need to start by using the versions that bundle the Engage 50 II Link controller with USB-A connection. Once you move to USB-C laptops, simply plug the headset into the USB-C laptop port or use the headsets with the USB-C versions of the Engage 50 II Link controller, which are available as separate accessories.

Can I connect to a Mac or is this headset only compatible with a PC?

Yes, it’s possible to connect to Mac.

How do you reprogramme the busylight?

The busylight can be programmed to change pending on selected active events, such as whether the agent is in a call, needs support from a supervisor, busy with after-call work or available to help a colleague. The settings are made through a Jabra SDK integration.

How do you re-programme the control unit for speed dial or other functions?

Two numbers can be set-up for speed dial on the control unit. The buttons can be reconfigured in Jabra Direct or through an SDK integration.

How does Engage 50 II differ from Engage 40?

Engage 50 II offers an even better microphone performance with the advanced 3-microphone system to filter out background noise. Engage 50 II also has a SmartRinger built into the Engage 50 II Link controller which alert the user of an incoming call when the headset in lying on their desk. Engage 50 II offers enhanced comfort for all-day wearing with headband padding (stereo version only).

In terms of analytics, Engage 50 II can alert the user if the microphone is not positioned correctly (requires Jabra Direct, Engage+ or SDK integration).

What is the difference between the microphones in Engage 50 II and the Engage 40?

The Engage 50 II has one mic in the tip of the boom-arm and two on the outer side plus advanced algorithms to create a beamforming pickup of the users’ voice and analyse noise coming from elsewhere, isolating the voice and removing the noise. Engage 50 II can remove up to 36dB of noise due to the extra microphone and the enhanced capabilities this allows.This also enables the headset to sense when the microphone position is less than optimal and trigger a boom-arm position alert through Jabra Engage+, Jabra Direct or with a third-party SDK implementation.

What is the difference between the microphones in Engage 50 II and the Engage 40? Continued

The Engage 40 has one mic in the tip of the boom-arm and one on the outer side. In addition, advanced algorithms create a beamforming pickup of the users voice and analyse noise coming from elsewhere, isolating the voice and removing the noise. It does not have boom-arm position sensing capability.

Can I use the Engage 40 with the Engage 50 II link controller?

Yes, the Engage 40 without the inline controller can be used with the Engage 50 II Link controller

How do I get access to Engage+ software?

To download the free software application, please go to

Do you need to be connected to the internet for Engage+ to work?

No, Engage+ does not require internet connection to work (except for downloading the application).

Do you collect any data from users of Engage+?

We only collect data about how the headset is used, operating system as well as software/application version. In Engage+ you can turn of data collection under settings. We collect no personal data.

Is it possible to deploy Engage+ to many users simultaneously?

Yes, an MSI file is available on that allows for mass deployment

Does Engage+ require usage of Jabra Direct and Xpress?

No, Engage+ works independently from Jabra Direct and Xpress.

What impact does Engage+ have on system’s performance?

Engage+ takes up minimal space from your computer. Hard disk space: 300 MB, Installer file: 102 MB. When processing, the application uses RAM: 40-100 MB (100 MB is the max and is used to send notifications to the user).

Which headsets are compatible with Engage+?

Jabra Engage 50 II and Engage 40 are compatible with Engage+.

Which operating systems is Engage+ compatible with?

Windows 10 and 11

Does Engage+ alert me, if my microphone is in a vertical position and far away from the mouth?

No, that is too extreme a position for the microphone to pick up your voice and give you an alert. Engage+ will alert you when the microphone is slightly out of place like by your nose or your chin.

For more frequently asked questions, please visit the Jabra Engage 50 support page.

Specificații tehnice

  • Sunet
    • Prindere care izolează zgomotul
    • Reducerea zgomotului din apeluri
    • Dimensiune difuzor
      20 mm
    • Putere maximă de intrare a difuzorului
      30 mW
    • Lățime de bandă a difuzorului (mod redare muzică)
      50 Hz – 20.000 Hz
    • Lățime de bandă a difuzorului (mod conversație)
      100 Hz – 14.000 Hz
    • Tip de microfon
      2 x MEMS
    • Sensibilitatea microfonului
      -26 dBFS/Pa
    • Lățime de bandă a microfonului
      100 Hz – 14.000 Hz
    • Protecția auzului utilizatorului
      Jabra SafeTone™ 2.0, PeakStop 105, standard U.E. privind zgomotul la birou, G616, OSHA
  • Potrivire și confort
    • Factor de formă
      Bandă pentru cap cu poziționare pe urechi
  • Conectivitate
    • Conectivitate
      USB-A, USB-C
  • Generalități
    • Conținutul cutiei
      Căști, săculeț de transport, broșură garanție și broșură condiții de utilizare
    • Dimensiunile ambalajului (L x Î x A)
      185 mm x 249 mm x 50 mm | 7,28 in x 9,8 in x 1,97 in
    • Dimensiunile unității principale (L x Î x A) – Stereo
      167 mm x 54 mm x 167 mm | 6,57 in x 2,13 in x 6,57 in
    • Dimensiunile unității principale (L x Î x A) – Mono
      167 mm x 54 mm x 160 mm | 6,6 in x 2,13 in x 6,3 in
    • Materiale utilizate
      Imitație de piele, plastic PC și PC/ABS, PP, cauciuc siliconic, inox, TPE
    • Greutate căști (varianta stereo)
      65 g | 2,3 oz
    • Greutate cască (varianta mono)
      45 g | 1,6 oz
    • Greutate (stereo) cu Link
      152 g | 5,4 oz
    • Greutate (mono) cu Link
      132 g | 4,7 oz
    • Lungime cablu USB (în funcție de SKU)
      1,6 m | 2,4 m | 5,2 ft | 7,8 ft
    • Garanție
      3 ani
    • Caracteristici și funcții LED
      Indicator luminos ocupat, apel primit, notificări Microsoft Teams (în funcție de SKU)
    • Certificări și conformitate
      Cisco, Unify, Microsoft Teams (în funcție de SKU), Zoom, Google Meet, Amazon Chime
  • Software și aplicații
    • Software și/sau aplicații compatibile
      Engage+, Jabra Direct, Jabra Xpress
  • Informații suplimentare
    • Temperatura de funcționare
      De la -10 °C la 55 °C | de la 14 °F la 131 °F
    • Temperatura de depozitare
      De la -5 °C la 55 °C | de la 23 °F la 131 °F
  • Unitate de control (în funcție de SKU)
    • Comportamentul LED-ului
      Indicator luminos ocupat, apel primit/apel activ, dezactivare sunet apel/apel în așteptare, notificări Microsoft Teams (în funcție de SKU), programabil (prin SDK)
    • Materiale utilizate
      Cauciuc siliconic, TPU, plastic PC și PC/ABS, TPE, PP
    • SmartRinger
    • Controale pentru apeluri
    • Greutate
      68 g | 2,4 oz


Jabra Engage 50 II


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