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Jabra research

Making the workplace sound better

The impact of noise on wellbeing and productivity

Let’s make some noise for… noise

It’s time to make some noise about workplace noise. Where work gets done has shifted over recent years, but the work-from-home culture is changing again, with many companies calling employees back to the office. While this return to office is aimed at boosting productivity and collaboration, it can have negative repercussions. The flexibility focused reimagining of office spaces and work practices has failed to effectively consider the disruptive impact the buzz of daily office life has. Particularly an office life, where workers come in for collaboration and socializing primarily.

Our latest Jabra research suggests a startling truth that noise and loud environments are more than just annoyances; they’re actively undermining employee wellbeing and productivity. Fortunately, our findings also indicate measures for mitigating noise and its impacts. By adopting strategies such as innovative audio technology, flexible work policies, and intelligent office design, we can alleviate the negative effects of noise and enhance wellbeing and productivity.

Dive into the key learnings of our research “Making the workplace sound better” and download the full report.

01 Noise is the not-so-silent stressor at work

Noise is a significant factor among the numerous stressors knowledge workers often face. Regardless of where they work, evading all noise can be challenging. Even with the flexibility to choose quieter environments, noise remains a top stressor, following closely behind workload and poor communication. Therefore, companies should prioritize addressing noise as a key concern.

02 A loud environment impacts wellbeing more than you think

We all have different tolerances for noise and varying needs regarding the sound levels in our work environment. However, our research reveals that only a small minority thrive in noisy settings. In fact, less than 10% of respondents say a loud environment is optimal for their work. Most knowledge workers report that noise negatively affects their productivity and concentration. By actively reducing noise, companies can create a more comfortable and efficient workspace, helping employees feel better and perform at their best.

03 The creative ways employees are giving noise the silent treatment

Sometimes employees have to get creative to ensure they can work effectively. Surprisingly, 1 in 10 even confess to retreating to the bathroom to evade noise. However, most employees adopt strategies that are much easier for companies to address. These tactics highlight a clear need for workplaces to provide spaces or technology that offer a disturbance-free environment. By understanding and accommodating these needs, companies can significantly enhance their employees' productivity and well-being.

04 The high cost of low-quality audio in online meetings

In today's fast-paced work environment, the quality of our auditory surroundings significantly impacts our mental health. Our research indicates that not only environmental noise, but also poor audio quality in calls and meetings are major stressors affecting mental wellbeing. Knowledge workers report that poor audio quality is particularly detrimental to their mental health at work. Meanwhile, employees experience a range of benefits from higher quality audio, suggesting that companies can see several benefits from recognizing the importance of audio quality.

say that poor audio quality during conference calls or video meetings impact their mental wellbeing negatively

05 Need a solution? Your employees have the answer!

To create a disturbance-free work environment, knowledge workers often seek specific spaces or technological solutions. They also advocate for these solutions to be officially adopted to successfully mitigate the disruptive effects of noise. The most popular strategies include offering workplace flexibility, equipping employees with high-quality audio technology, and designing office areas to accommodate varying noise levels. Companies embracing such initiatives stand to gain a competitive advantage, as they can create better work environments that enhance employee wellbeing and productivity, regardless of location.

Getting the best of sound in the workplace

In the future of work, success hinges on companies that understand and cater to the evolving needs of their workforce. Creating better work environments to prioritize employee wellbeing enables companies to boost wellbeing and improve productivity, ultimately driving business results. Simple measures - such as allowing work-from-home days or investing in professional audio technology - can significantly mitigate the impact of noise. It's time to tune out the noise and tune into what truly matters.​

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Making the workplace sound better

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