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not (pageUrl eq null and supportPageUrl eq null) and attributes/any(a: a eq 'Product_Portfolio|Jabra') and (attributes/all(a: a ne 'Meta_Refurbished|True') or attributes/any(a: a eq 'Meta_Accessorytype|17'))

Jabra Insights Hub

Leveraging research to make sense of the new and always-evolving world of work

say their ideal work week includes a hybrid of working from home and an office
of meetings are now fully virtual or hybrid, with only 20% happening fully in person
say flexible working is more important than salary and other benefits
would rather work for a company that invests in technology to better connect employees in hybrid work

Hybrid Working Research

Jabra’s latest insights into the future of hybrid work

About the
Insights Hub

The Jabra Insights Hub is a collection of all our latest findings on the future of work, created to help leaders, employees, and organizations thrive in the hybrid future.

Here, we share results from our first-party research, which focuses on key markets around the world to bring a global perspective to new ways of working. We also help to make sense of the complex data by breaking it down into guidebooks, white papers, articles, and many other forms of media.

Guides & White Papers

Read our most recent guidance for leaders, managers, and IT decision-makers

Jabra Blog

Visit to read more of our cross-industry insights and content